
Accommodation - For Postgraduate Students (Girls)

Every student is expected to live with his/her parents. A student who wishes to live with someone other than his/her parents should produce a written permission letter signed by his/her parents/guardian that he/she can do so. The name of the relative, his / her occupation, and contact details must be specified.

Fatima Jinnah Girls Hostel

The hostel accommodation facility is very limited and available for the BA/BSc academic year 2018-2019. The hostel accommodation facility is not available for Phd, MS/MPhil, MA/MSc (Morning/Evening) and diploma / certificate programme.

Dr. Ruth Pfau New Girls Hostel

The hostel accommodation facility is very limited and available for the BA/BSc academic year 2023-2024. The hostel accommodation facility is not available for Phd, MS/MPhil, MA/MSc (Morning/Evening) and diploma / certificate programme.

Annual Charges For Fatima Jinnah Girls Hostel & Dr. Ruth Pfau New Girls Hostel
Mess Security Rs. 8,000
Service Charges Rs. 33,198
Common Room Charges Rs. 600
Library / Reading Room Rs. 600
Magazine Fund / Directory Rs. 600
Maintenance Fund Rs. 1000
Welfare Fund Rs. 780
Admission Fee Rs. 1,000
Total Charges Rs. 45,778

Annual Room Rent for Fatima Jinnah Girls Hostel & Dr. Ruth Pfau New Girls Hostel

Room Rent
Cubical Rs. 9,000
Bi-Seater Rs. 7,200
Dormitory Rs. 5,400