
Accommodation - For Postgraduate Students (Girls)

Every student is expected to live with his/her parents. A student who wishes to live with someone other than his/her parents should produce a written permission letter signed by his/her parents/guardian that he/she can do so. The name of the relative, his / her occupation, and contact details must be specified.

Fatima Jinnah Girls Hostel

The hostel accommodation facility is very limited and available for the BA/BSc academic year 2018-2019. The hostel accommodation facility is not available for Phd, MS/MPhil, MA/MSc (Morning/Evening) and diploma / certificate programme.
Contact Number: (042) 99210592

Dr. Ruth Pfau New Girls Hostel

The hostel accommodation facility is very limited and available for the BA/BSc academic year 2023-2024. The hostel accommodation facility is not available for Phd, MS/MPhil, MA/MSc (Morning/Evening) and diploma / certificate programme.

Girls Hostels Rules and Regulations
Fatima Jinnah Girls Hostel Admission Form
Fatima Jinnah Application Form
Dr. Ruth Pfau New Girls Hostel Admission Form
Annual Charges For Fatima Jinnah Girls Hostel & Dr. Ruth Pfau New Girls Hostel
Detail of Hostel Dues (2024-2025)
BS Students
S.No.Head of AccountCurrent
1Admission Fee1,250
2Service Charges62,760
3Common Room Charges750
4Reading Room Charges750
5Welfare Fund975
6Gym Charges1,200
7Magazine Charges750
8Maintenance Charges1,250
9Network & Security Maintenance Charges1,000
Payable to Hostel70,685
10Room Rent Cubical11250
11Room Rent BiSeater9000
12Room Rent Dormitory6750
13Room Security (Refunable Caution Money)1250
Total Dues80,935
14Mess Deposit (Refundable)15,000
Total Dues95,935