Accommodation - For Postgraduate Students (Boys)
Every student is expected to live with his/her parents. A student who wishes to live with someone other than his/her
parents should produce a written permission letter signed by his/her parents/guardian that he/she can do so. The name of
the relative, his / her occupation, and contact details must be specified.
New Hostel (Boys)
The boys hostel for undergraduate and postgraduate students is known as New Hostel. The hostel accommodates BA/BSc (Hons.) MA/MSc, MPhil/MS and PhD students.
For academic year 2019-20, the accommodation facility is limited and available for BA/BSc (Morning), MPhil/MS and PhD students. BA/BSc (Evening) MA/MSc
and Diploma/Certificate Programs are not offered admission to the hostel, mainly due to limited space.
Admissions are open in the New Hostel for the academic session 2024-28 (BS)
Deadline: 28-08-2024
First Merit List: 29-08-2024
Contact: 042-99210679
Annual Charges For New Hostel
Mess Deposit (refundable) |
Rs. 8,000 |
Service Charges |
Rs. 41,580 |
Common Room Charges |
Rs. 600 |
Library / Reading Room |
Rs. 600 |
Magazine Fund / Directory |
Rs. 600 |
Maintenance Fund |
Rs. 1000 |
Welfare Fund |
Rs. 780 |
Admission Fee |
Rs. 1000 |
Total Charges |
Rs. 54,160 |
Rules & Regulations
Hostel admission is offered for one academic year only, extension for
another year is based upon good conduct and academic performance.
No concession is offered to students in the hostel annual dues.
Absence of a student from the hostel for fifteen days or more without a
notice will entail cancellation of hostel admission.
The hostel will remain closed during the vacations/holidays or when
university is closed for two or more days. None is allowed to stay in
the hostel during holidays.
Hostel gates are closed at 10:00 pm and no student is allowed to enter
or leave the hostel after the closure time. Every resident must follow
the hostel closing hours; anyone falling short of the discipline in
this regard will be strictly dealt with.
If any student has to attend any function/party/trip of the University
after the closing
Visiting hours are from 07:00 am to 10:00 pm. Visitors (even parents)
are not allowed to have an overnight stay in the hostel. Violation can
entail expulsion.
Study period is observed from 10:00 pm until midnight. Every resident
is required to be present in his room during the study period, and is
not allowed to play games, music etc. during this time. Moreover,
students are not permitted to visit each other's rooms during this
Every resident is expected to be present in his room at the time of
Resident must register his entryto and exit from the hostel at the
A boarder must pay his mess dues by the 10th of each month. In case of
failure to pay the mess dues, mess facility will not be offered and a
fine of Rs. 50/- per day will be charged for the late payment.
Right of residence will be withdrawn in case of failure to pay the
hostel dues if those exceed the amount of mess security.
A payment of minimum 50% of the monthly mess dues and flXed charges in
full is mandatory while a student remains admitted to the hostel.
Smoking, drinking, use of liquor and drugs and keeping of weapons,
licensed and unlicensed) is strictly prohibited in the hostel and
entails expulsion.
Each and every part of the hostel premises can be inspected at all
hours by the hostel administration.
Residents should not keep costly items and excessive cash with them.
Hostel administration will not be responsible for any losses.
Resident must not damage the hostel properties. Violation would invite
the recovery of losses, heavy fine and may even lead to expulsion from
the hostel. Security deposit will also be forfeited in this situation.
Hostel administration can impose a penalty or expel a boarder in case
he fails to keep his room clean and tidy. Moreover, if a room servant
does not work or works improperly then it is the responsibility of a
boarder to inform the hostel administration.
Every boarder is required to observe discipline and maintain
brotherhood and tranquility during his stay in the hostel.
No one is allowed to misbehave with the administration and employees of
the hostel in any situation. Violation may entail expulsion from the
Resident must not disturb or cause inconvenience to other boarders and
should ensure peace.
Musical instruments are not allowed in the hostel.
No political and (religiously) extremist activity is allowed in the
hostel. Formation of any form of student associations/unions is also
strictly prohibited, and strict action will be taken against boarders
found involved in such actMties.
In case of expulsion from the hostel due to indiscipline or misconduct,
security deposits will be forfeited in full.
Residents who have been expelled from the hostel will not be eligible
for re-admission.
Additional rules and regulations issued from time to time must be fully
observed as well.
Guidelines for Compliance
- No outsider be allowed to enter the hostel premises.
- Strict surveillance and security system be established on all the entry gates to restrict the entry of non-residents.
- Strict discipline be maintained amongst the inmates of the hostels and nobody be allowed to destroy precious time of his fellow students on account of political backup or financial or social status.
- In case of violation of discipline of the hostel by any student, no hesitation should be felt to strike him off till the time he mends his ways.
- Students should not be allowed to take ammunition of any kind in the hostels and in case of involvement of anybody in such act; he may be banned for all the time to come.
- Parents of the students be also apprised about the conduct of their children. Further, parents be also bound down to visit the hostel/institution of their children off and on to know about the activities of their children and in case of any deficiency they should take due care and caution.