& Liberal Arts

Academic Programmes

The taught courses are designed to broaden vision of the students by inculcating philosophical insights and interdisciplinary understanding of contemporary social milieus. The subjects not only focus on theoretical wisdom but also introduce interdisciplinary discourse with explanatory practices.

Currently, the Department is offering following four programmes:

Year – 1
Semester - I
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
PHIL – 1101 Introduction to Philosophy 3
Semester - II
PHIL – 1201 Problems of Philosophy 3

Year – 2
Semester - III
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
PHIL – 2201 History of Greek Philosophy 3
Semester - IV
PHIL – 2101 Philosophy and the Contemporary World 3
PHIL – 2202 Theoretical Ethics 3

Year – 3
Semester - V
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
PHIL – 3101 Modern Western Philosophy – I 3
PHIL – 3102 Logic – I 3
PHIL – 3103 Classical Muslim Philosophy – I 3
PHIL – 3104 Applied Ethics 3
Elective Course
PHIL – 3105 Philosophy of Education 3
PHIL – 3106 Epistemology and Metaphysics 3
PHIL – 3107 Philosophy of Social Science 3
PHIL – 3108 Philosophy of Art 3
PHIL – 3109 Medieval Philosophy 3
Semester – VI
PHIL – 3201 Modern Western Philosophy – II 3
PHIL – 3202 Logic – II 3
PHIL – 3203 Classical Muslim Philosophy – II 3
PHIL – 3206 Induction and Science 3
Elective Course
PHIL – 3205 Philosophy of History 3
PHIL – 4110 Contemporary Muslim Thought 3
PHIL – 3208 Political Philosophy 3
PHIL – 3209 Philosophy of Existential Literature 3

Year – 4
Semester - VII
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
PHIL – 4101 Continental Philosophy: Phenomenology and Existentialism 3
PHIL – 4102 Marxism 3
PHIL – 4103 Analytical Philosophy 3
PHIL – 3207 Iqbal Textual Study of Reconstruction of Religious thought in Islam-I 3
PHIL – 4299 Research Work/Thesis 3
Elective - Courses
PHIL – 4105 Philosophy of Religion 3
PHIL – 4106 Philosophy of Law 3
PHIL – 4108 Philosophy of Language 3
PHIL – 4109 Philosophy and Feminism 3
Semester - VIII
PHIL – 4201 Continental Philosophy: From Structuralism to Post Modernism 3
PHIL – 4202 Twentieth Century American Philosophy 3
PHIL – 4203 Critical Theory 3
PHIL-4111 Iqbal Textual Study of Reconstruction of Religious thought in Islam-II 3
PHIL-4220 Special Philosopher-Aristotle, in lieu of Research Work/Thesis 3
PHIL – 4299 Research Work/Thesis 3
Elective (Any one of the Following)
PHIL-4205 Philosophy of Literature 3
PHIL-4206 Post-Colonial Theory 3
PHIL-4207 Special Philosopher: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan 3
PHIL-4209 Special Philosopher: Bertrand Russell 3
PHIL-4210 Special Philosopher: Ludwig Wittgenstein 3
PHIL-4211 Special Philosopher: Hegel 3
PHIL-4212 Special Philosopher: Heidegger 3
PHIL-4213 Business Ethics 3
PHIL-4214 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind 3
PHIL-4215 Philosophy of Computing and Information 3
PHIL-4216 Special Philosopher: Alain Badiou 3
PHIL-4217 Special Philosopher: Slavoj Zizek 3
PHIL-4218 Special Philosopher: Immanuel Kant 3
PHIL-4219 Special Philosopher: Plato 3
PHIL-4220 Special Philosopher: Aristotle 3
PHIL – 4222 Contemporary Exposition of Sufi Doctrine 3
General Education Courses( Semester I-IV)
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
GE AH-1101 Arts and Humanities 2
GE NS-1101 Natural Sciences 2
GE ICT-1101 Application of ICT 2
GE SS-1201 Social Sciences 2
GE CCE-1202 Civics and Community Engagement 2
GE FE-1203 Functional English 2
GE QR-1204 Quantitative Reasoning I 2
GE QR-2101 Quantitative Reasoning II 2
GE EW-2102 Expository Writing 2
GE IP-2103 Ideology of Pakistan 2
GE EP-2104 Entrepreneurship 2
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
IDC – 1101 History of Civilization 2
IDC – 1103 Classics of World Literature 2
IDC – 1104 Logic & Critical Thinking 2
IDC – 1105 Education. Culture and Society 2
IDC – 1106 Lahore: History & Architecture 2
IDC – 1107 Major Religions of the World 2
PHIL – 1101 Introduction to Philosophy 2
PHIL – 1201 Problems of Philosophy 2
PHIL – 2101 Philosophy and the Contemporary World 2
PHIL – 2201 History of Greek Philosophy 2
Year - 1
Semester - I (Any Four of the Following)
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
PHIL-7101 Indian Philosophy 3
PHIL-7102 Philosophy of Science 3
PHIL-7103 Philosophy of Literature 3
PHIL-7104 Post Colonial Theory 3
PHIL-7107 Hermeneutics 3
Semester – II (Any Four of the Following)
PHIL-7203 Bio-Medical Ethics 3
PHIL-7205 Social Epistemology 3
PHIL-7206 Meta-philosophy 3
PHIL-7207 Philosophical Anthropology 3
PHIL-7208 Live Issues of the contemporary Muslim Philosophy 3
PHIL-7209 Contemporary Muslim / Arab Philosophers 3
PHIL-7212 Philosophy of Psychoanalysis 3
Year – 2
Semester – III & IV
Phil-7499 Thesis 12

Note: The scheme of studies/courses are subject to change and revision.