Department of Entrepreneurship

Student Society of Entrepreneurial Aspirations

Motto of the Society

"The Launchpad of Dreamers"

Rationale of the Society

This Student Society of Entrepreneurial Aspiration will help the students in becoming independent, change makers, game changers and channel their creativity into initiating something of their own beyond classroom teaching by instilling entrepreneurial spirit. Developing such a forum will allow them to learn from one another through brainstorming sessions, idea pitches and sharing feedback. This will enhance their analytical and logical skills by polishing their cognitive skills that make up an entrepreneurial mindset. This society seeks to establish long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships among students, faculty, industrial organizations, alumni, and local professionals to build sustainable business ventures both on and off campus.

Objective of the Society
This society aims:
  • To develop interpersonal skills, the sense of innovation, and creativity among students by arranging various lectures/seminars of real-life entrepreneurs and specialized business-related activities and workshops.
  • To enable them to come up with more exciting and amazing ideas that would be beneficial for their future endeavors. They will be able to think out of the box in their respective domains by interacting with people from the various business sectors mainly includes management, finances, marketing, etc. and this will force them to start their work career before the completion of their degrees.
  • To bridge the gap between the theoretical understandings of the concepts and their practical relevance within the prevailing industrial setups. Moreover, the most important reason and benefit behind this initiative is that this is exactly the stage where the students can explore and implement their different creative ideas and learn to be honest with their affairs.
  • To inculcate the sense of 'empowerment' and 'work ethics' among the students in their early stages of career.
  • To prepare them not only for their future in terms of facing the situation, but to become a problem solver as well.
  • Furthermore, as the world is changing rapidly due to rapid technological advancements, this Society aims to keep students abreast of new business techniques in the era of Industrial revolution 4. making them more creative and innovative in their respective domains.
Proposed Activities
  • Learning from Experience: Specialized Lectures from real world practitioners
  • Seminars by personnels from various stakeholders.
  • Trainings & Workshops i.e., creative hands-on activities
  • Arranging business week
  • Networking events
  • The development of student-run businesses
  • Inter-University Competition on Business ideas and Micro Start-ups
  • Interaction with representatives from industrial and business organizations like Chamber of Commerce, SMEDA, Ministry of Trade and Commerce.
  • Academic field trip to know about the nitty gritty of business ventures at small, medium and large scale.
  • Study tours to visit different industrial zones.