Institute of English Language and Literature

Director’s Message

Director of Institure I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each one of you on the establishment of the Institute of English Language and Literature. The landmark 150th anniversary is evidence of the rich legacy of our department, and I am immensely proud of the journey we have undertaken together. In the five years since assuming the role of Chairperson of the Department of English, we have collectively achieved commendable milestones and upheld a standard of excellence that sets us apart. Our dedication and unwavering commitment to elevating educational standards have been instrumental in shaping the success of our institute. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the members of the Academic and Research Review Committee for their invaluable contributions. Your continuous feedback and insightful suggestions have played a pivotal role in enhancing both academic and research standards. It is through such collaborative efforts that we have been able to position our institute as a unique and distinguished entity among its counterparts in the country.

As we celebrate our achievements, let us not lose sight of the fact that our journey is ongoing. I am confident that, with our collective determination, we will continue to pursue excellence with even greater vigour. Despite our recognition as one of the nation’s premier institutes, we persistently seek avenues for continuous improvement. In light of our collective pursuit of academic excellence, I wish to articulate certain expectations we hold for our students. We anticipate your adherence to academic deadlines, punctual and regular attendance in classes, intellectual engagement, and a commitment to delivering your best effort throughout your tenure. Upholding the ethical standards outlined by the university is fundamental to the integrity of our academic community. As you embark on this intellectual journey, I encourage you not only to meet but to surpass these expectations, thereby ensuring a profoundly enriching academic experience. May you cherish the memories forged during your time at the Institute of English Language and Literature, recognizing that your active participation contributes significantly to the collective success of our institute!

Let us continue to work cohesively as a team, leveraging our professional expertise and academic prowess to achieve new heights. The rewards of our collaborative efforts are evident in the professional and academic distinction we have attained. I am confident that, as we move forward, our shared commitment will lead to further improvement and expansion. Thank you for your unwavering dedication, and I look forward to achieving even greater milestones together.

With gratitude and anticipation,
Prof. Dr. Sajjad Ali Khan
Institute of English Language and Literature