Sustainable Development Study Centre (SDSC)
- Environmental Science
- Gender and Climate Change

Academic Programmes

The following Academic Programmes are offered in Environmental Science at SDSC:

Semester I
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-1101 Introduction to Environmental Science 2
ENVSC-1101P Introduction to Environmental Science Practical 1
Semester II
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-1201 Fundamental of Ecology 2
ENVSC-1201P Fundamental of Ecology Practical 1
Semester III
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-2101 Chemistry of the Environment 2
ENVSC-2101P Chemistry of the Environment Practical 1
Semester IV
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-4209 Environment Profile of Pakistan 3
ENVSC-2202 Environmental Monitoring (Air Water Soil and Noise) 3
ENVSC-2202P Environmental Monitoring Practical (Air Water Soil and Noise) 1
Semester V
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-3102 Applied Ecology 3
ENVSC-3102P Applied Ecology Practical 1
ENVSC-3103 Fundamentals of Earth Sciences 3
ENVSC-3104 Environmental Microbiology 3
ENVSC-3104P Environmental Microbiology Practical 1
ENVSC-3107 Climate Change 3
ENVSC-4206 Environmental Governance 2
ENVSC-4206P Environmental Governance Practical 1
Semester VI
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-2201 Physics of the Environment 2
ENVSC-2201P Physics of the Environment Practical 1
ENVSC-3105 Environmental Toxicology 2
ENVSC-3105P Environmental Toxicology Practical 1
ENVSC-3205 Natural Resource Management 2
ENVSC-3205P Natural Resource Management Practical 1
ENVSC-3206 Environmental Economics 2
ENVSC-3206P Environmental Economics Practical 1
Semester VII
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-4201 Environmental Management Systems 2
ENVSC-4201P Environmental Management Systems Practical 1
ENVSC-4202 Remote Sensing and GIS 3
ENVSC-4202P Remote Sensing and GIS 1
Elective – I 2+1
Elective – II 2+1
ENVSC-4299 Research Project / Internship 3
Semester VIII
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-4101 Conservation Biology 3
ENVSC-4101P Conservation Biology 1
ENVSC-4102 Environmental Impact Assessment 2
ENVSC-4102P Environmental Impact Assessment 1
Elective – III 2+1
Elective – IV 2+1
ENVSC-4299 Research Project /Internship 3
Elective Courses
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-3201 History and Philosophy of Environmental Thought 3
ENVSC-4203 & 4203P Health and Environment + Practical 2+1
ENVSC-4204 & 4204P Data Analysis + Practical 2+1
ENVSC-4205 & 4205P Environmental Biotechnology + Practical 2+1
ENVSC-4207 & 4207P Water Resource Management + Practical 2+1
ENVSC-4208 & 4208P Disaster Management + Practical 2+1
ENVSC-4211 & 4211P Energy Sustainability and Environment + Practical 2+1
ENVSC-4212 & 4212P Pollutant Movement in Soil 2+1
ENVSC-4213 & 4213P Solid Waste Management + Practical 2+1
ENVSC-4214 & 4214P Occupational Safety and Health + Practical 2+1
ENVSC-4215 & 421sP Sustainable Consumption and Production 2+1
Semester I
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-1101 Introduction to Environmental Science 2
ENVSC-1101P Introduction to Environmental Science Practical 1
Semester II
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-1201 Fundamental of Ecology 2
ENVSC-1201P Fundamental of Ecology Practical 1
Semester I
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-2101 Chemistry of the Environment 2
ENVSC-2101P Chemistry of the Environment Practical 1
Semester II
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-4209 Environmental Profile of Pakistan 3

The year 2021 marked the appointment of Pakistan as the member of Global Commission on Status of Women (CSW). The 66th session of the Global Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was held in March in New York. The theme for 2022 focused on "Achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies, and programmes".

To make 2022 a year of female workforce employees, the government launched the National Gender Policy Framework on Women Day in March 2022. The framework was launched to improve the living conditions for women and to achieve a gender responsive society that provides equal opportunities to men and women in every field.

Through Punjab Women Development Policy (2018) the Government of the Punjab is firmly committed to undertake requisite mitigation and adaptation measures for ameliorating and minimizing the adverse impacts of climate change. The Government of Pakistan is committed to the attainment of SDGs addressing environmental sustainability. In order to achieve these objectives, the Provincial Government is pursuing targeted interventions through several departments including the Environment Protection Department, Forestry, Agriculture and Housing Urban Development & Public Health Engineering (HUD & PHE) departments. The provincial Government is fully cognizant of the fact that vulnerable groups of society, including women, are more susceptible to adverse impacts of climate change, particularly through the erosion of livelihood opportunities for communities residing in marginal ecosystems . It is for this reason that the provincial development portfolio aims to protect vulnerable sections of society against the negative impacts of climate change-induced degradation and disasters .

Policy Strategies:

i. Stock take and gender audit of provincial climate change and natural resources management policies and strategies to identify policy and implementation gaps for enhancing participation and benefit sharing for women (Environment Department, Forestry & Wildlife Department, Women Development Department) .

ii. Undertake and institutionalize knowledge development and research for collecting gender disaggregated data and gender profiling to inform planning and development processes. This will facilitate the design and implementation of interventions of climate change resilience for vulnerable sections of society including women (P&D Department, Environment Department, Forestry and Wildlife Department, Women Development Department, Punjab Commission on Status of Women) .

iii. Capacity building of government organizations, civil society, NGOs and media for ensuring gender mainstreaming across all provincial level climate change policies, programs and interventions(Environment Department, P&D Department, Women Development Department).

iv. Ensure National Climate Change Policies and reporting systems fully incorporate and cater to gender concerns in Punjab with reference to international climate change related treaties and protocols to which Pakistan is a signatory (Environment Department, P&D Department, Women Development Department) .

v. Ensure maximum participation of vulnerable communities without gender discrimination for equitable benefit sharing from sustainable development and natural resource management interventions and opportunities(P&D Department, Women Development Department).

vi. Enhancing equitable resilience of women and men living in vulnerable ecosystems against climate change-induced disasters through employment of gender responsive disaster risk reduction and resilience mechanisms(Provincial Disaster Management Authority, P&D Department, Women Development Department) .

Potential Stakeholders

Government Sector Private Sector/NGOs INGOs International organizations
Ministry of Climate Change SDPI WWF Asian Development Bank
Pakistan Environment Protection Agency Hashoo Foundation UNEP, UNDP, UN WOMEN USAID
Planning Commission International Rescue Committee, Islamabad IUCN UNESCO
NDMA Aurat Foundation Global Gender & Climate Alliance Oxfam International
SUPARCO Civil Society Coalition for Climate Change LEAD Pakistan PathFinder International
GCISC(Global Change Impact STUDY Pakistan) Action Aid
Al-Khair Foundation
Conservation International,
Fauna & Flora Int.
Aga Khan Foundation
Pakistan Forest Research Institute Asian Human Rights Development Organization CARE International, Pakistan Environmental Defense


The Earth's climate is changing, and failure to limit warming below 2°C could make the changes in the climate system irreversible and characterized by cataclysmic consequences. The adverse impacts of climate change continue to overly burden the poorest and the most vulnerable impoverished women. Despite growing recognition of the differential vulnerabilities, unique experiences and skills, women and men bring to the development and environmental sustainability efforts. Women still have less economic, political, and legal clout, they are more exposed and are hence less able to cope with the adverse effects of the changing climate. On the other hand, women are powerful agents of change and continue to make increasing and significant contributions to sustainable development, despite existing structural and socio-cultural barriers. As the global community transitions to the implementation phase of the post-2015 development agenda, it is imperative that gender equality and women's empowerment continue to influence, shape, and drive the collective climate and human development effort.

Most climate change problems are global, whose solutions will require international cooperation. Most of them are complex problems whose solutions will require people to grasp the big picture, appreciate and deal with complex problems, and support strategies with long-term impacts. Unfortunately, we do not have many of these kinds of people, and there is a dire need to start academic programs specific to climate change.

The year 2015 marked a number of pivotal achievements for gender and sustainable development. An ambitious agenda to guide development action for the next 15 years was launched through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), putting a much-needed spotlight on poverty, inequality, and violence against women as key challenges of the 21st century. The 2015 Paris Agreement also calls for gender equality, women's empowerment, and its provisions on adaptation and capacity-building efforts urge member states to adopt gender-responsive approaches. Further, many Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as part of the implementation regime of the Paris Agreement reflect gender priorities in their pledges for climate action.


Climate change is perhaps the greatest threat to sustainable development. Climate change impacts men and women differently due to their gender-differentiated relative powers, roles, and responsibilities at the household and community levels. Climate change study is a decision-making science that has emerged due to multiple sectors affecting every array of life. Therefore, its scope is broad as inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary field of knowledge.

Aim and objectives

The aim of the undergraduate degree program in the discipline of Gender and Climate Change is to develop human resources equipped with the knowledge to support decisions, skills needed to mitigate impacts of climate change or adapt and adopt necessary measures and attitudes to contribute to the development of sustainable lifestyle in the society, and to develop a green economy.

a. Teaching Objectives

The teaching objectives of the degree program are to:

  • enable students to learn how to analyze and assess climate change problems and the role of women as a key component of the society,
  • equip the students with the knowledge and skills necessary to reduce social vulnerabilities, resource conservation, management of natural resources, and make a path to sustainable development, and
  • impart skills to carry out independent scientific and technical research on various crosscutting aspects of climate and gender issues.

b. Learning Objectives

The degree program is expected to equip the graduates with an ability to understand the linkages between various socio-economic and bio-physical components of climate change and its relation with gender:

· demonstration of capabilities to understand the natural and socio-economic processes driving climate change,

· learning of scientific and technical expertise to solve global problems by introducing gender centered interventions , and

· development of interactions with stakeholders, managers, and policy makers in addressing these complex issues.

Guiding Principles for Degree Programme

  1. Environmental Science is an emerging discipline that is highly inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary in nature. Integration of natural sciences with social sciences and humanities in a holistic study of the world around us is required to achieve its objectives by supporting decisions for sustainable development.
  2. The degree program must be comprehensive in coverage of the contents and consistent with the contemporary state of knowledge.
  3. The medium of instruction, assessment, and evaluation will be English for all degree programs in Gender and Climate Change (GCC).
  4. Courses from disciplines of social and environmental sciences must be included in the curriculum of Gender and Climate Change to integrate the discipline's social aspects with natural science.
  5. In order to support efficient research in the discipline of GCC, skills-oriented courses in information and communication technologies must be included in the degree program.
  6. The program's structure should be in accordance with the international higher education system in terms of equivalence of credit hours and duration.

Degree Pre-requisite

F.Sc Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering, ICS (12 years of education)/ A Levels with science stream subjects like Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science etc.

Degree Name: BS Gender and Climate Change

Duration : 4 years

Total credit Hours : 135

Combination of Allied Subjects: (1) Geography & Psychology (2) Economics & Political Science

Program Structure
Duration 4 years/8 semesters
Total Credit Hours 135
Coursework 127
Final Year Project/Thesis 06

Details of Courses of Major (Gender and Climate Change)

Codes Course Title Credit Hours
GCC1101 Introduction to Gender Studies 3
GCC1201 Foundations of Environmental Discourse 3
GCC2101 Feminist Theories and Movements 3
GCC2201 Gender and Sustainable Development 3
GCC2202 Climatology 3
GCC3101 Principles of Climate Change 3
GCC3102 Gender, Enterprise and Organizations 3
GCC3103 Gender, Environmental Ethics and Climate Justice 3
GCC3104 Gender and Socio-cultural Issues 3
GCC3105 Climate Resilience in Socio-ecological systems 3
GCC3201 Urban Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation 3
GCC3202 Gender, Climate Change and Livelihoods 3
GCC3203 Gender and Social Casework 3+1
GCC3204 Gender Responsive Water and Sanitation Hygiene and Climate Change 3+1
GCC3205 Gender and Transition in Climate Governance 3
GCC4101 Research Methods in Gender Studies and Climate Change 3+1
GCC4102 Gender Politics and Climate Diplomacy 3
GCC4201 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Natural Resources 3
GCC4202 Data Analysis in Gender and Climate Change 3+1
Semester VII/VIII
GCC Final Year Project 6
Semester IV onwards
GCC Two months summer internship (after semester IV) with Gender and Climate related public and private organizations 2

List of Elective Courses

GCC4103 Gender and Climate Change induced Migration 3
GCC4104 Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Management 3
GCC4105 Gender in Religious Perspective 3
GCC4106 Climate Change Business and Management 3
GCC4203 Children and Climate Change 3
GCC4204 Gender, Health and Climate Change 3
GCC4205 Climate Change Entrepreneurial Skills 3
GCC4206 Gender and Climate Change Education 3
Semester I & II ( Students will take 4 courses per semester i.e. 12 credit hours)
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-7102 Stress Physiology 3
ENVSC-7104 Wastewater Management (Treatment & Reuse) 3
ENVSC-7105 Restoration Ecology 3
ENVSC-7106 Sustainable Agriculture 3
ENVSC-7107 Research Methods in Environmental Science 3
ENVSC-7108 Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation 3
ENVSC-7109 Strategic Environmental Assessment 3
ENVSC-7110 Environmental Analytical Techniques 3
ENVSC-7123 Environmental Auditing 3
ENVSC-7127 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 3
ENVSC-7130 Alternative Energy Sources 3
ENVSC-7130 Principals and Applications of Bioremediation 3
ENVSC-7139 Laboratory Management Practices 3
ENVSC-7144 Global Environmental Politics 3
ENVSC-7209 Eco Entrepreneurship 3
Semester III & IV
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-7499 Thesis 12

The PhD candidates shall cover 18 credit hours course work in their year 1 i.e. prior to the start of their dissertation-thesis work.

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENVSC-8101 Climate Change & Natural Resource Management 3
ENVSC-8102 Sustainability Science 3
ENVSC-8103 Wastewater Engineering 3
ENVSC-8104 Aquaculture Practices and Management 3
ENVSC-8105 Sustainable Development & Environmental Economics 3
ENVSC-8106 Public Health & Environment 3
ENVSC-8107 Synopsis and Academic Writing 3
ENVSC-8108 Governance for Sustainable Development 3
ENVSC-8109 Urban Ecology & Ecosystem Health 3
ENVSC-8114 Wetlands Management 3
ENVSC-8115 Environmental Policy Evaluation 3
ENVSC-8116 Air Pollution Control 3
ENVSC-8117 Evaluation and Assessment of Conservation Areas 3
ENVSC-8118 Culture and Sustainable Development 3
ENVSC-8119 Green Marketing Management 3

Diploma & Certificates Programmes

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was introduced in Pakistan through the Environmental Protection Ordinance 1983. The EIA was made mandatory for both public and private new projects under section 12 of Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997. This is a growing area of consultants due to its legal requirements. There is shortage of properly trained professionals in market. Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) / Certificate in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an attempt to cover this gap. This diploma will enable the graduates to seek employment opportunities in national and international organizations.

Scheme of Studies Total Number of Credit Hours = 24 Duration = One Year (Two Semesters) Entry Requirements - Graduate Degree (16 Years of Education) in Sciences
Compulsory Courses
Serial No Course Code Course Title Credit Hour
1 PGD-ESIA-7101 Environmental Impact Assessment in Pakistan 3
2 PGD-ESIA-7102 Review Process of EIA Report 2+1
3 PGD-ESIA-7103 Social Impact Assessment 3
4 PGD-ESIA-7104 Environmental Monitoring and Analysis 1+2
5 PGD-ESIA-7299 Project/Internship 6

Optional Courses

Serial No Course Code Course Title Credit Hour
1 PGD-ESIA-7106 Health Impact Assessment 3
2 PGD-ESIA-7107 Sustainability Impact Assessment 3
3 PGD-ESIA-7108 Environmental Modeling 2+1
4 PGD-ESIA-7019 GIS in Environmental Impact Assessment 1+2
5 PGD-ESIA-7110 Strategic Environmental Assessment in Pakistan 3
Scheme of Studies
Total Number of Credit Hours = 12
Duration = Six Months (One Semester)
Entry Requirements - Graduate Degree (16 Years of Education) in Sciences or Social Sciences
Compulsory Courses
Serial No Course Code Course Title Credit Hour
1 PGD-ESIA-7101 Environmental Impact Assessment in Pakistan 3
2 PGD-ESIA-7102 Review Process of EIA Report 2+1

Optional Courses

Serial No Course Code Course Title Credit Hour
1 PGD-ESIA-7105 Ecological Impact Assessment 2+1
2 PGD-ESIA-7103 Social Impact Assessment 3
3 PGD-ESIA-7106 Health Impact Assessment 3
4 PGD-ESIA-7107 Sustainability Impact Assessment 3
5 PGD-ESIA-7104 Environmental Monitoring and Analysis 1+2
6 PGD-ESIA-7108 Environmental Modeling 2+1
7 PGD-ESIA-7109 GIS in Environmental Impact Assessment 1+2
8 PGD-ESIA-7110 Strategic Environmental Assessment in Pakistan 3