Department of Public Policy and Governance

Academic Programmes

The Department of Public Policy and Governance is plans to offer the following programs. The doctorate program is also under consideration and expected to be launched soon. There details of the programs and their needs in the market can be explored by following the details.

(BS PP) The Bachelor of Science in Public Policy (BS PP) at GCU Lahore aims to equip students with essential skills for analyzing and influencing Public Policy. This comprehensive program integrates courses from various disciplines, emphasizing experiential learning, research, and critical thinking. Students will gain practical exposure through case studies, simulations, and fieldwork while developing leadership, ethics, and communication skills. Graduates will be prepared for careers in diverse Public Policy roles, striving for sustainable and equitable outcomes.

Program’s Vision

To develop highly skilled and knowledgeable individuals equipped with a deep understanding of public policy and its impact on society, capable of addressing complex policy challenges and driving positive change at local, national, and global levels.

Program’s Mission

The mission of the BS Public Policy program is to provide students with a rigorous interdisciplinary education in Public Policy, combining theoretical knowledge, analytical skills, and practical experience. The program aims to foster critical thinking, ethical decision-making, and leadership qualities to prepare graduates for successful careers in policy analysis, implementation, and evaluation.

Program’s Goals
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the theories, concepts, and frameworks of public policy.
  • Cultivate analytical and research skills to effectively analyze and evaluate policy issues and formulate evidence-based solutions.
  • Foster ethical and values-driven approaches to policy-making and implementation, considering the needs and interests of diverse stakeholders.
  • Enhance communication and collaboration skills to effectively engage with policymakers, organizations, and communities.
  • Promote global perspectives and an understanding of the interconnections between local, national, and international policy challenges.
  • Provide experiential learning opportunities, such as internships or practical projects, to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world policy contexts.
  • Encourage active civic engagement and social responsibility, empowering graduates to contribute positively to their communities and advocate for inclusive and equitable policies.

Scheme of Study for BS Public Policy

An undergraduate degree program may be offered with a number of combinations such as;
(I) a single major
(II) a single major with one minor
(III) a single major with two minors
(IV) double majors without any minor (The Department is not offering this option currently)

Single Major

An undergraduate degree program with a single major is focused on one disciplinary specialization and comprises of a minimum of 120 credit hours other than requirements of field experience / internship and capstone project. The breakup of credit hours is as under:
i. General education courses: 30 credit hours
ii. ii. Major: minimum 78 credit hours
iii. iii. Interdisciplinary / allied courses: minimum 12 credit hours

Single Major with One Minor

An undergraduate degree program with a single major
and one minor is focused on one disciplinary specialization and one secondary but
supporting concentration and comprises of a minimum of 132 credit hours other than
the mandatory requirements of field experience / internship and capstone project. The
breakup of credit hours is as under:
i. General education courses: 30 credit hours
ii. Major: minimum 78 credit hours
iii. Interdisciplinary / allied courses: minimum 12 credit hours
iv. iv. Minor: minimum 12 credit hours

Single Major with Two Minors

An undergraduate degree program with a single major and two minors is focused on one disciplinary specialization and two secondary but supporting concentrations and comprises of a minimum of 144 credit hours other than the mandatory requirements of field experience / internship and capstone project.
The breakup of credit hours is as under:
i. General Education: 30 credit hours
ii. Major: minimum 78 credit hours
iii. Interdisciplinary / allied courses: minimum 12 credit hours
iv. Minor 1: minimum 12 credit hours
v. v. Minor 2: minimum 12 credit hours

Double Majors

An undergraduate degree program with double majors without any minor is focused on two related or unrelated disciplinary specializations and comprises of a minimum of 198 credit hours other than the mandatory requirements of field experience / internship and capstone project. The breakup of credit hours is as under:
i. General Education: 30 credit hours
ii. ii. Major 1: minimum 78 credit hours
iii. iii. Major 2: minimum 78 credit hours

iv. iv. Interdisciplinary / allied courses: minimum 12 credit hours

Scheme of Study with Single Major in the Department

A: General Education Courses
All undergraduate degree programs comprises a mandatory set of 30 credit hours for general education courses as prescribed in this policy which will be covered in the first four semesters of the degree program.

Course Code Number of Courses Credit Hours
Arts & Humanities 01 02
Natural Sciences 01 02+1
Social Sciences 01 02
Functional English 01 03
Quantitative Reasoning 02 03
Islamic Studies / Religious Education 01 06
Pakistan Studies 01 02
Applications of ICT 01 02+1
Public policy 01 02
Civics and Community Engagement 01 02

B: Distribution/Interdisciplinary Courses
All the undergraduate degree programs comprise a mandatory set of minimum 12 credit hours for interdisciplinary / allied courses. This is valid for all undergraduate degree programs except for Associate degrees, where the credit hours of interdisciplinary / allied courses may be less or more than 12 credits. Interdisciplinary/distribution courses are those offered in allied or complementary disciplines to reinforce the notion of interdisciplinary competency and to support horizon of the major. These distribution courses are other than the major and Gen Ed. In the case of Public policy, students may take up any course from Economics, Management Sciences, Commerce.

C: Internship and Capstone Project
Students are required to do internships to gain the practical experience of the field. In this regard Department provides required directions to its students by highlighting those organizations where they can enter to learn by their own experiences. Government Institutes, NGOs, Industrial zones, Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and SMEDA etc. are the few of the relevant places where these students will be guided to penetrate and learn the skills to have their own startups business models. This experience will help the students to explore the world beyond the classroom learning and polish their professional skills and develop networking which would assist them in their future. This discipline demands such kind of field experience for developing business strategies and breakthrough of ideas for their successful entry into practical world.
The capstone project is an essential part of the education of Public policy. In this project, students can choose a topic related to their field of study and use their research and analytical skills to propose solutions to the issues they identify. By doing so, they can demonstrate their proficiency in critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication.

The capstone project also allows students to showcase their creativity and ability to work independently, providing an excellent opportunity for them to prepare for their future careers.

D: Major Courses
These courses are specific to the main field in which the degree program is offered. The requirement to satisfy a single major is minimum of 78 credit hours for the undergraduate degree program. Below is given the detail about distribution of courses.

Sr. No Major Courses and Titles Course Code Credit Hours
1 Principles of Microeconomics PPG-1101 03
2 Principles of Macroeconomics PPG-1102 03
3 Introduction to Public Policy PPG-1201 03
4 Mathematics for Economics PPG-1202 03
5 Microeconomics for Public Policy PPG-2101 03
6 Macroeconomics for Public Policy PPG-2102 03
7 Research Methods in Public Policy PPG-2103 03
8 Quantitative Analysis for Public Policy PPG-2201 03
9 Policy Analysis and Evaluation PPG-2202 03
10 Policy Implementation and Management PPG-2203 03
11 Public Budgeting and Finance PPG-3101 03
12 Ethics and Public Policy PPG-3102 03
13 Law and Public Policy PPG-3103 03
14 Global Public Policy PPG-3104 03
15 Public Administration and Governance PPG-3105 03
16 Comparative Public Policy PPG-3201 03
17 Environmental Policy PPG-3202 03
18 Health Policy PPG-3203 03
19 Education Policy PPG-3204 03
20 Urban Policy PPG-3205 03
21 Social Policy Analysis PPG-4101 03
22 Data Analysis for Public Policy PPG-4102 03
23 Transport Economics Policy PPG-4103 03
24 Demographic and Population Ageing Policy PPG-4104 03
25 Policy Communication and Advocacy PPG-4105 03
26 Nonprofit Management and Leadership PPG-4201 03
27 Program Evaluation and Impact Assessment PPG-4202 03
28 Public Opinion and Policy PPG-4203 03
29 Public Sector Economics PPG-4204 03
30 Public Policy Capstone Project PPG-4299 03

(MS PP&G) - The Master of Science in Public Policy and Governance and Governance (MS PP&G) at GCU Lahore's Institute of Economics and Public Policy and Governance is an intensive program tailored to cultivate future leaders in the sphere of policy analysis, development, and execution. This course, meticulously designed by the Department of Public Policy and Governance, is set to nurture professionals capable of leading in multifaceted policy terrains. It immerses students in a profound understanding of Public Policy and Governance issues, while simultaneously arming them with the requisite knowledge and skills to deftly maneuver through the intricate labyrinth of governance and policymaking.

Program’s Vision Statement

Our program aims to foster a transformative academic setting, equipping students to tackle societal complexities via policy-making. We're dedicated to instilling principles of social justice, sustainability, and democratic governance, inspiring students to drive positive change in their communities and beyond.

Program’s Mission

Our mission is to provide an interdisciplinary education blending theoretical Public Policy and Governance knowledge with practical policy analysis skills. Through research and community engagement, we strive to develop ethical, innovative leaders, committed to public service and capable of designing sustainable, equitable policies for an improved future.

Program’s Goals
  • Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of Public Policy and Governance theories, concepts, and frameworks.
  • Develop analytical and critical thinking skills for effective policy analysis and evidence-based decision-making.
  • Equip students with the tools and techniques necessary for policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation.
  • Foster an interdisciplinary approach, encouraging collaboration and engagement with diverse stakeholders in policy processes.
  • Cultivate ethical leadership qualities and a commitment to social justice, sustainability, and democratic governance.
  • Prepare students for careers in government, non-governmental organizations, international agencies, and the private sector, where they can contribute to policy development and governance at local, national, and global levels.
Semester I and II
Course Code Title of Course Credit Hours
PPG-7101 Governance: Concept and Theories 03
PPG-7102 Microeconomics for Public Policy 03
PPG-7103 Macroeconomics for Public Policy 03
PPG-7104 Policy Analysis and Design 03
PPG-7105 Research Methods in Public Policy 03
PPG-7106 Policy Evaluation and Monitoring 03

Note: The students will have to pick two elective courses from any of these three fields of specializations.

Fields of Specialization and Elective Courses

Public Sector and Development

Course Code Title of Course Credit Hours
PPG-7201 Public Sector Economics 03
PPG-7202 Public Financial Management 03
PPG-7203 International Finance and Development 03
PPG-7204 Regulatory Policy and Private Sector 03
PPG-7205 Devolution and Local Government 03
PPG-7206 Public-Private Partnership 03
PPG-7207 Political Economy of Development 03

Governance and Development

Course Code Title of Course Credit Hours
PPG-7221 Governance Issues in Pakistan 03
PPG-7222 Issues in Human Resource Development 03
PPG-7223 E-Governance 03
PPG-7224 Corporate Governance 03
PPG-7225 Institutions and Development 03
PPG-7226 Economic Planning 03
PPG-7227 Seminar on Sustainable Development 03
PPG-7228 Law and Public Policy 03

Social Sector and Development

Course Code Title of Course Credit Hours
PPG-7241 Seminar on Social Policy 03
PPG-7242 Seminar on Health Policy 03
PPG-7243 Seminar on Education Policy 03
PPG-7244 Seminar on Poverty Reduction 03
PPG-7245 Natural Resource Management 03
PPG-7246 Climate Change and Public Policy 03
PPG-7247 Social Protection: Policies and Programs 03
PPG-7248 Higher Education and Development 03

Semester III and IV
Course Code Title of Course Credit Hours
PPG-7250 Thesis 12

(PhD PP) - (to be designed and approved) - The Doctor of Philosophy in Public Policy and Governance at GCU Lahore aims to cultivate adept researchers in Public Policy and Governance and governance. This rigorous program combines advanced coursework, research methodologies, and specialized seminars to foster skills for policy analysis, development, and evaluation. It emphasizes interdisciplinary, evidence-based analysis to address societal challenges and advance Public Policy and Governance knowledge. Students undertake independent research, guided by experienced faculty, leading to a unique doctoral dissertation. The program, blending academic training with practical experience, primes graduates for roles in academia, research institutions, government agencies, and more, enabling them to influence policy-making and create societal impact through effective, ethical policy interventions.

Program’s Vision Statement

The program aspires to be a premier source of policy researchers and scholars, fostering advanced understanding of policy-making and empowering graduates to tackle societal complexities.

Program’s Mission Statment

Our program cultivates a transformative academic and research milieu, nurturing influential scholars and policy analysts. We equip our graduates to develop innovative, evidence-based policy solutions, promoting social justice, sustainability, and democratic governance for community betterment and beyond.

Program’s Goals
  • Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of theoretical frameworks, research methodologies, and analytical tools relevant to the field of Public Policy and Governance.
  • Foster critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to conduct original research that contributes to advancing knowledge in Public Policy and Governance.
  • Cultivate the capacity to analyze complex policy issues, assess policy alternatives, and develop evidence-based recommendations for policy-making.
  • Foster interdisciplinary collaboration and engagement with stakeholders to promote effective policy implementation and governance.
  • Develop leadership qualities and ethical standards necessary for engaging in policy research, analysis, and advocacy.
  • Promote the dissemination of research findings through scholarly publications, presentations, and policy briefs to influence policy discourse and decision-making.