GCU has the unique distinction of starting MA classes in Psychology in 1926, making it the second institute after
the University of Clacutta, to launch a Postgraduate Programme at that time. The MA Psychology Programme was
launched jointly with the Department of Psychology of Forman Christian College (FCC) Lahore.
For a long period of time, the discipline of Psychology remained a part of Philosophy and classes were held jointly
till 1961. In 1962, the Department of Psychology was established as an independent Department under the Chairmanship
of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ajmal, a renowned Psychologist, teacher, scholar and mentor.
The mission statement of the department is to produce knowledgeable, self aware, thoughtful, responsible and well adjusted individuals who are responsive to the needs of rapidly changing social world. To achieve these objectives, the Department of Psychology GCU endeavors to enhance the understanding of students about social, environmental and cultural factors relevant to mental health and also enable them apply this knowledge in their own lives for better adjustment and learning.
The Clinical Psychology Unit, GC University Lahore was set up in 2005 in order to develop a comprehensive training
program for professional Clinical Psychologists in Pakistan and expand the role of Clinical Psychology to deal with
a wide range of problems of the individual as well as the community at large.