Islamic Studies

Academic Programmes

The Department offers following programmes:

Year – 1 Semester - I
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ISL – 1101 Study of Quran – I 3
Semester - II
ISL – 1201 Study of Quran – II 3
Year – 2, Semester - III
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ISL-2101 History & Compilation of Hadith 3
Semester - IV
ISL-2201 History of Fiqh 3
ISL-2202 History of Islamic Civilization 3
ISL-2204 Islamic Ethics of Respect and Forgiveness 3
ISL-3205 Fiqh-ul-Quran 3
Year – 3
Semester - V
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ISL – 3101 Textual Study of Al-Quran 3
ISL – 3102 Textual Study of Al-Hadith 3
ISL – 3103 Study of Arabic Language 3
ISL – 3104 History of Tafseer 3
ISL – 3105 Comparative Study of Religions 3
Semester - VI
ISL – 3201 Study of Seerah 3
ISL – 3202 Arabic Language & Literature 3
ISL – 3203 Uloom-ul-Quran 3
ISL – 3204 Tasawwuf 3
ISL – 3206 Ethics of Disagreement 3
Year – 4
Semester - VII
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ISL – 4101 Maqasid Sharia 3
ISL – 4102 Usool-e Fiqh 3
ISL – 4203 Islamic Ethics 3
ISL – 4204 Islam and Science 3
ISL – 4205 Study of Philosophy and Ilm al Kalam 3
Research Dissertation 3
Semester - VIII
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ISL – 4201 Uloom-ul-Hadith 3
ISL – 4202 Text of Fiqh 3
ISL – 4206 Islamic Economic Thought 3
ISL – 4207 Islamic Social Thoughts and Movements 3
ISL – 4208 Islam and Modern Political Thoughts and Movements 3
Research Dissertation 3
Semester - I
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ISL-7101 Uloom-ul-Quran 3
ISL-7102 Uloom-ul-hadith 3
ISL-7103 Arabic Language & Literature 3
ISL-7104 Critical Study of Selected English Text 3
ISL-7201 Uloom-ul-Fiqh 3
ISL-7202 Research Methodology 3
ISL-7203 Study of Seerah 3
ISL-7204 Islam and Orientalism 3
Research Dissertation 12
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ISL-8103 Islamic Thought 3
ISL-8104 Ulum al-Qur’an wal-Tafsir 3
ISL-8105 Ulum al-Hadith wa-Mustalahuhu 3
ISL-8206 Ilm-Al-Sirah 3


Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
ISL-8201 Arabic Language &Litertaure 3
ISL-8207 Ilm al-Fiqh wa-Usuluhu 3
ISL-8203 Trends of contemporary Tafseer Literature 3
ISL-8204 Study of Hadith Literature 3
ISL-8205 Study of World Religions 3
Research Dissertation 24