Electrical Engineering

Advanced Communication Research Group (ACRG)

The advanced communication research group comprises of two research streams;

1. Hybrid Optical/Radio Adaptive Communication Systems (HORACS) 2. Machine Learning/Optimization Research Group (MLORG)
1. Hybrid Optical/Radio Adaptive Communication Systems (HORACS)

Spectrum of radio frequency (RF) communications is limited and expensive to install new applications. Free space optical (FSO) communication is a viable technology which offers enormous bandwidth, license free installation, inexpensive deployment and error prone links. The FSO links degrade significantly due to the varying atmospheric and weather conditions (fog, cloud, snow, haze and combination of these). We are moving towards hybrid FSO/RF adaptive communication system which adapts the varying nature of atmosphere and weather. For the adaption of varying atmosphere and weather scenarios, we are developing a novel optimization algorithm. The research within the group covers the following topics:

  • Adaptive Transmission and Signal Processing techniques,
  • Error Control Coding Techniques,
  • Multi-user environment.
2. Machine Learning/Optimization Research Group (MLORG)

We are interested in machine learning methodology and application to problems in science, engineering, and industries. The special case is the healthcare systems. For example, Robots with telepresence capabilities are typically employed for tasks where human presence is not feasible due to geography, safety risks like fire or radiation exposure, or other factors like any epidemic disease. Time delay is a significant consideration in controlling a telepresence robot. A deep learning-based approach can be utilized to compensate for the delay by predicting the behaviour of the teleoperator. We can integrate a recurrent neural network (RNN) based on the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture with the reinforcement learning-based Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm. The other example is the application telepresence robot in healthcare centers to get the basic information ready for healthcare providers. The research within the group covers the following topics:

  • Applications of Machine Learning in industries.
  • Future of Automation
  • Importance of Machine Learning in the Robotic World.
Resource Person

Engr. Dr. Junaid Zafar
Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, GCU Lahore

1. Prof. Dr. Noor Sheikh
Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, GCU Lahore

2. Engr. Dr. Ateeq-ur-Rehman
Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, GCU Lahore

3. Engr. Asma Mushtaq
Lecturer, Electrical Engineering Department, GCU Lahore

3. Engr. Omer Farooq
Research Assistant, Electrical Engineering Department, GCU Lahore