Economics was first offered as a subject in Government College, Lahore in 1911 and Mr. Wathen of Cambridge University was assigned to teach it though he was Professor of History. Many prominent professors have taught Economics to generations of Ravians since then. The knowledgeable professors groomed young economists of Government College, Lahore some of whom made a mark in the profession. Dr. Mehboob ul Haq was one very prominent Ravian economist who secured first position in MA (Economics) examination in 1952.
Dr. Mehboob ul Haq was not only a former student of GCU but also a renowned Pakistani Economist of International fame who was Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission, Federal Finance Minister and Director of the World Bank Policy Planning Department. In particular, he will be remembered for long time as the first author of human Development Report.
The GC University Lahore set up Dr. Mehboob ul Haq Chair in Economics to recognize his services to Pakistan, its people and above all to the discipline of Economics. It is hoped that the person who occupies this Chair will help in raising the standard of teaching and research in the GC University. He should be a role model for the staff and students of the university. Besides, he will act as an important link between GCU and other national and international organizations.