Mode of CG & PC
Stage 1: Insight
This is the fundamental preparation which should be undertaken
prior to making a decision about students' career and personal
development. It enables to address the questions 'who am I?' and
'what do I want?' It may include the use of tests, questionnaires
and self-appraisal exercises to help in addressing students':
Skills (what am I good at?)
Aptitudes (what am I capable of?)
Interests (what am I motivated to do?)
Values (what is most important to me?)
Personality (what work roles and environments would suit me?)
Career Drivers' (what are my key career needs?)
'Past Positives' (what activities & environments enable me
to thrive?)
Further exercises will enable Student Counselor to clarify these
results, leading to the creation of a 'Career Template', a summary
of those key elements a student must have in his/her career life.
This is the point student will reach by the end of Stage 1:
Stage 2: Planning
With the increased clarity and confidence which Stage 1 can
provide, student will be in the best possible frame of mind to
brainstorm ideas for his/her future. Student Counselor will help
you to narrow down your list, and to produce a focused, realistic
and step-by-step action plan.
Stage 3: Action
Stage 3 consists of a number of modules. You can take one or more
of these modules immediately following Stages 1 and 2.