GCU is collaborating with various organizations, institutes, NGOs and with government personals to work on SDG 17 Partnership for the Goals. For this purpose, GCU has signed a number of MoU with various organizations to achieve SDGs and to formally collaborate with them for various sustainable development initiatives.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Lahore on 21 October 2021. The purpose of this MoU is to organize blood donation camps, provide student for voluntary work and internships to students, raising awareness regarding different forms of cancer particularly breast cancer and allowing student and staff for a tour to the hospital facilities. The validity of the signed MoU is three years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Superior University Lahore, on 20 October 2021. The purpose of this MoU is to exchange of students, staff, researchers, students, with the objectives of offering courses in areas of mutually agreed upon by both universities through prior invitation and accordance with the procedures and expectations establish by each university and specific department. They mutually accept undergraduate and postgraduate students and faculty to organize symposia, conference and short courses. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia,on 06 October 2021. The purpose of this MoU is to promote institutional exchanges by inviting faculty members and students from the partner institution to participate. They mutually organize symposia, conference and short courses. . The validity of the signed MoU is three years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Office of the Commissioner Lahore Division on 24 September 2021. The purpose of this MoU is to collaborate in arrangement of events, seminar and summits to promote culture, literature and language of Lahore. Both parties will collaborate to produce joint research through access of information to students. They maintain regular liaison with each other, circulate essential information and coordinate in joint activities.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Metropolitan Corporation Lahore on 20 September 2021. The purpose of this MoU is to collaboration in promotion of culture, literature and languages host the activities planned for research collaboration and facilitation. They also collaborate in mutual areas of interest. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Kotler Impact Pakistan on 02 September 2021. The purpose of this MoU is to to provide MSD GCU Lahore with the updated edition of Incorporation of "Essentials of Modern Marketing (EOMM)" book (Inaugural Edition) for the undergraduate program at the MSD, GCU Lahore to provide MSD GCU Lahore with the updated edition of EOMM. They also provide timely supply of EOMM and offer EOMM to MSD GCU Lahore on a subsidize rate. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Punjab Squash Association (PSA) on 28 August 2021. The purpose of this MoU is to promote squash through training camps. The parties may negotiate, in good faith, more specific agreements necessary to manage organize this arrangement and to record any financial program required to undertake. The agreed to cooperation and organizing squash events at national and international level. They also provide Squash facility for the training of players. The validity of the signed MoU is two years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with The Migrant Resource Centers (MRC), Lahore, Pakistan on 05 August 2021. The purpose of this MoU is to work towards knowledge development, orientation sessions, workshops, with the students/graduates of GCU campuses. Strengthen relations, promote partnership and enhance active cooperation betweenMRCs and GCU to deliver sessions on safe migration as well as access to information on studying abroad. The validity of the signed MoU is two years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Women Development Department, Government of the Punjab, Pakistan on 24 June 2021. The purpose of this MoU is that parties shall provide technical assistance and support to each other. They also interested in to establish workable mechanisms to achieve the desired objectives. The validity of the signed MoU is three years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL), Pakistan on 15 June 2021. The purpose of this MoU is Provision of discounts to students, faculty, staff and alumni of GCU Lahore on PTCL's standard offerings. Permission from GCU Lahore for PTCL to disseminate information related to discounted packages through on-campus and online channels. Any other mutual areas of interest may be further discussed. The validity of the signed MoU is till 30 June 2022.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg, Germany on 10 June 2021. The purpose of this MoU is collaboration in education, research and training. They also offer Faculty and staff exchange and student exchange too. They also collaborate in any other mutual areas of interest. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Majlis-e-Taraqqi Adab, Lahore on 08 June 2021. The purpose of this MoU is provision of discounts to students and library on MTA's published books. They provide Joint sessions, seminars and events for promotion of literature especially in Lahore. They also interested in joint publications. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Youth Affairs and Sports Department, Government of the Punjab on 29 May 2021. The purpose of this MoU is sharing of library materials, and research collaboration. They may also share sharing professional expertise and conduct workshops/seminars in mutually agreed areas other areas of mutual interest. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, Turkey on 16 March 2021. The purpose of this MoU is joint research projects, exchange of undergraduate and postgraduate students, faculty and administrative staff exchange. They may also do resource sharing and any other areas of mutual interest. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with She Means Work (SMW), Lahore on 05 March 2021. The purpose of this MoU is collaboration in industry academia linkages and economic diplomacy. They mutually exchange information and data. They also collaborate in research projects and share other areas of mutual interest. The validity of the signed MoU is three years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Shaoor Foundation for Education and Awareness (SFEA), Islamabad on 05 March 2021. The purpose of this MoU is Foster mutual cooperation and collaboration. They may hold joint research in future. They also want to explore the options for sharing expertise and resources. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Lahore Center for Peace Research, Lahore on 05 March 2021. The purpose of this MoU is to exchange the faculty and research staff. They also contribute in exchange of publications and academic. They jointly hold conferences seminar and events for the betterment of research. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Federal University of Technology, Owerri, IMO State, Nigeria on 11 January 2021.The purpose of this MoU is to promote academic and research collaborations mainly in the areas of Mathematical Sciences, Biotechnology and Engineering. Staff and student exchanges also invite short term visits. They also collaborate in doctoral and post- doctoral aspect. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Sarwar Foundation, Pakistan, Lahore on 23 December 2020. The purpose of this MoU is to creating collaboration between Sarwar Foundation and Government College University Lahore for the provision of basic healthcare services for all the student and staff of the university through creating awareness to prevent hepatitis in general, screening people for confirmation and treatment of hepatitis. They also want to share resources and technical expertise for creating synergy and quality services.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore on 10 December 2020. The purpose of this MoU is to foster advancement in teaching research and cultural understanding of both institution by mutual visit and exchange of teaching faculty, scientist, and researchers. Both parties also want to contribute in research projects, seminars, workshops, conferences and other such activities. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (Student Exchange) on 10 December 2020. The purpose of this MoU is to exchange of students at postgraduate level in the field of engineering and related. The parties commits in respect of student exchange. Both side maintain regular liaison with each other, circulate essential information and coordination for implementing this MoU. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Free University Berlin, Germany on 08 December 2020. The purpose of this MoU is exchange of students and staff.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab on 01 December 2020. The purpose of this MoU is Improve student knowledge and understanding of health and nutrition. They also want to create awareness about public health issues, disease, burden and mitigation. Conduct research projects & awareness campaigns in the field of mutual interest. Both parties interested in other activities as mutually agreed.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Pink Pakistan Trust on 15 October 2020. The purpose of this MoU is that the both parties have agreed to work towards the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) of eradicating poverty, good health and wellbeing, gender equality, reduce in equalities and economic growth in general. Particularly they work together for spreading awareness to reduce the mortality rate of breast cancer and promote women and wellbeing and empowerment. Both parties shall have jointly organized awareness sessions, seminars, conferences and workshops for eradicating breast cancer from the country.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Punjab Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency (PEECA), Government of the Punjab, Lahore on 03 September 2020. The purpose of this MoU is provision and installation of solar panel system in government institutes in Punjab on an Energy Service Company Model (ESCO) whereby government building possesses at least 1MW capacity has been identified for solarization. Whereas (ESCO) is in the business of developing, designing, and funding projects that save energy, reduce energy cost and decrease operations and maintenance cost at their customer’s facilities. The ESCO is the lawful owner of the solar panel system.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with University of Patras, Greece (Under ERASMUS + Agreement) on 16 March 2020. The purpose of this MoU is to exchange the faculty and research staff. They also contribute in exchange of publications and academic research. They jointly hold conferences seminar and events for the betterment of research in the field of mutual interest. Both parties interested in other activities as mutually agreed.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Pakistan Institute of Living and Learning on 3 March 2020. The purpose of this MoU is promote professional, academic and research cooperation between the two parties through capacity building and training, research collaboration conducting conferences, workshops, seminars and other activities of similar kind promoting awareness about mental health issue and agreed in other area of mutual interest. Both parties shall explore the feasibility of working together on other activities projects deemed to be mutually beneficial viable for both the organization.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Pakistan Stock Exchange Lahore, Pakistan 20 February 2020. The purpose of this MoU is to develop a collaborative relationship between two parties through cooperation in providing financial literacy to the students of the GCU Lahore through hands on experience, cooperation in providing both basic and advanced information about capital market to the students of GCU Lahore. They collaborate in any other area of mutual interest. The validity of the signed MoU is two years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with American Institute of Pakistan Studies on 27 December 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to promote cooperation in higher education sector, to focus on faculty training by foreign scholars and their academic placements, to share relevant information between both institutions in order to provide increased services to the research community from US and Pakistani academic institutions. Both parties also agree to extend cooperation and undertake joint programs in other area of interest.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Inter University Consortium for Promotion of Social Sciences (IUPCSS), Islamabad on 27 December 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to cooperate and collaborate mutually for promoting social sciences, arts and humanities. Both parties agree in foster mutual cooperation and collaboration, joint research, publications, advocacy seminars, consultative workshops, conferences and other academic activities in the areas of common interest including sharing of their expertise and other strength. The validity of the signed MoU is three years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering & and Information Technology, Rahim Yar Khan on 27 December 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to express their interest for academic and research cooperation. The participants may mutually collaborate in the areas of faculty & staff exchange, student exchange, joint research projects. GCU Lahore assists to UEIT in establishment of incubation and entrepreneurship centers and strengthening of student societies. The participants may explore other potential areas for mutual benefit and interest.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with GAT consulting on 23 December 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to collaborate for the purpose of resource sharing, joint projects, and capacity building. Both side will maintain regular liaison with each other, circulate essential information and coordinate in joint activities of mutual interest. The validity of the signed MoU is three years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Lahore Arts Council, Lahore on 11 December 2019. The purpose of this MoU is for mutual cooperation between the parties for the promotion and encouragement of artistic and cultural endeavors through conducting mutual artistic cultural, literary activities, mutual support and sharing of resources. The validity of the signed MoU is three years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Teehqeeqat Center for Language Engineering Al-Khawarizmi Institute of Computer Science (KICS) University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore on 20 September 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to formalize the collaboration between Teehqeqat and the publisher regarding the aspects that the publishers agree to share the data of the journal with Teehqeeqat. The publishers agree to permit teehqeeqat to publish the Journals content on Teehqeqat website. The publisher also permit that online user will be able to search and download the journal content from the Teehqeqat’s website.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Sustainable Development Policy Institute on 21 August 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to establish a formal mechanism for collaboration and expresses their interest in cooperating with each other in launching new research, training, economics, and sustainable development initiatives. The proposed area of cooperation may include any program and project nature of which shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties at either institution that could help foster and develop the relationship to the mutual benefits of the parties.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Ideas Gist Pakistan on 16 July 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to provide online entrepreneurship training to the final year students, offering entrepreneurship as a career choice to the university students, support business incubation center workshops, one on one mentoring, process guidelines and by connecting the incubator to a global pools of invertors. They also offer virtual incubation to students that do not get admitted in the regular program already graduated, or live in remote campuses. The validity of the signed MoU is three years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Henan University, Kaifeng, People’s Republic of China on 08 July 2019. The purpose of this MoU is the cooperation programme aims to foster advancement in teaching, research and cultural understanding of both institutions through faculty exchange, collaboration in research projects, internship to be organized to the students of the college of the Chinese language and literature of the Henan University at GCU Lahore. They also do joint conferences, seminars workshops and other such activities of mutual interest. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust on 03 July 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to promote research and development work for the prevention of health degradation and have the requisite resources and the facilities to undertake such activities. The parties wish to collaborate for a research study titled “Role of Ets-related gene (ERG) in controlling metastasis” a set forth in the study of research. This study is contemplated by this agreement of mutual interest to the institution and the university and furthers the educational and research objectives thereto. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Chinese Academy of Sciences, China on 01 July 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to foster advancement in teaching, research and cultural understanding of both institutions through mutual visit of students, researchers and teaching faculty. Both parties interested in mobility programme, collaboration in research projects, joint conferences seminars, workshops, and other such activities access to research laboratories facilities and sharing of academic data and other areas of mutual interest. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Faiz Foundation Trust on 25 June 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to promote academic literary and cultural cooperation between the two parties through conducting mutual cultural, literary and scholarly activities research collaboration on Faiz Ahmed Faiz and other liberal arts conducting conferences workshops seminars in mutually agreed area, mutual support and sharing of resources and contribute in other areas of mutual interest. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Balochistan Education Endowment Fund on 24 June 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to establish on the pattern of Punjab Education Endowment Fund (PEEF) having the mandate for creation of talented pool of youth of Balochistan by providing need and merit base scholarship to the talented and needy students for pursuing quality education from the investment proceeds of the “Endowment Fund” granted by government of Balochistan This mission of BEEF is to build a critical mass of human capital participating in nation building through provision of equitable opportunities to academically brilliant boys and girls of balochistan province.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Comsats University Islamabad, Lahore Campus on 16 April 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to strengthen research library service and promote reading culture between the two institutions by sharing of library materials, research collaboration in library science, sharing professional expertise in library science conducting workshops/seminars in mutually agreed areas. Under this arrangement both parties shall explore the feasibility of working together on other projects deemed to be mutually beneficial and viable for both the institutions. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Forman Christian College University, Lahore on 22 February 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to foster advancement in in teaching, research and cultural understanding of both institutions through mutual visit and exchange of teaching faculty, scientist and researchers, student’s exchange, collaboration in research projects sharing of academic data, publications and information, joint conferences seminars, workshops, and other such activities of mutual interest. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with University of Baltistan, Skardu, Pakistan on 14 February 2010. The purpose of this MoU is to implement within the framework of the rules and regulations applicable in each of the institution and subject to availability of funds and resources the following program and activities which may include student, academic and administrative staff exchange, joint research activities, technical collaboration in establishing the research centers, sharing of expertise and experience for conducting of joint capacity building sessions, training, workshops especially in the field of quality enhancement in higher education. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with Walled City of Lahore Authority, Lahore on 07 February 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to conduct researches on culture and history of the walled city Lahore, to provide academic assistance to WCLA for making commemorative history plaques for the monuments at the walled city of Lahore to attract tourist and researchers, to conduct and performing art events at walled city, to create formal documentaries regarding the historical sites located within the walled city. The validity of the signed MoU is five years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with The Shahid Javed Burki Institute of Public Policy, Lahore on 24 January 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to cooperate in the following areas of activity joint research and publications in the area of mutually agreed, facilitating and organizing policy dialogues, seminar, thematic, discussion and conferences jointly on issue of mutual interest, providing guest speaker, moderators, etc., for the policy dialogue, seminar, and workshops, offering short training courses and learning opportunities, internships as well as research supervision and advice to GCU students. The validity of the signed MoU is three years.
Government College University Lahore signed a MoU with University of Health Sciences, Lahore on 14 January 2019. The purpose of this MoU is to UHS aims to expand its question bank for Medical and Dental College admission test for this purpose UHS shall train the teachers for development of question bank, the number of question to be developed by a faculty shall be prescribed by the university. The teachers shall be paid remuneration for developing question bank on prescribed rates. The teachers under this MoU shall abide by the rules and regulations of the UHS during their deployment for development of Question Bank.
Prof. Dr. Asghar Zaidi (TI), Vice Chancellor Government College University, Lahore is a world renowned Policy Analyst on healthy ageing. His research project titled “Moving from the Margins: Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Older Persons in Pakistan”, provided the essential data that fed into the drafting of the Islamabad Capital Territory Senior Citizens Bill passed by the National Assembly Pakistan in 2021. The project was commissioned by British Council.
Furthermore, on the request of EPD, Punjab Government, Lahore and in collaboration with International Growth Centre a research was carried out by Prof. Dr. Faiza Sharif, Director Sustainable Development Study Centre, GC University, titled “To adopt, or not to adopt, ‘why’ is the question: A case for clean kiln technologies in developing countries”, which provided the essential data for issuance of a notification by EPD to convert all the Brick kilns of Punjab from conventional to Zig-Zag technology.
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Vice Chancellor GCU participated in a 2-day Panel Discussion as an Expert in "Thought Leaders's Summit 2020" organized by Social Protection Resource Centre (SPRC) and Pakistan Alliance for Social Protection (PASP) on 5 March, 2020. The panel discussion revolved around disability burden and old age well-being in Pakistan. Experts and specialists in the fields of research, higher education, digital, creative & cultural economies, and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) attended the inaugural session in good number.
On 16th December 2020, Environment Protection Society of GC University organized a webinar on the title of “Contextualizing SDGs for COVID-19 response in Pakistan”.
The Consortium for Development Policy Research (CDPR) and Government College University Lahore, in collaboration with Mahbub-ul-Haq Centre at LUMS, Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives (IDEAS) and the International Growth Centre (IGC), organized a session of its Lahore Policy Exchange on “Population Growth and the Demographic Dividend”. The session was held on Friday, 13th March, 2021 at the Government College University, Lahore for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with aim of accommodating Pakistan’s youth bulge through inclusive formation and access of the workforce to economic opportunities.
On 24th January 2020, GC University Lahore has launched a campaign "Know your Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" for mainstreaming United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in teaching and learning experiences across the university. The campaign jointly initiated by the University's Environment Protection Society (EPS) in collaboration with the Green Box. The workshop was aimed at implementing SDGs in the curriculum of all the disciplines, and was attended by faculty members of all the departments including Languages, Arts and Humanities, Social, Physical and Life sciences.
Environment Protection Society, Government College University, Lahore in collaboration with "Green Box" conducted an interactive session on 26th February, 2020 regarding "Young people and green lifestyle" at Fatima Jinnah Hostel GCU. Dr Mohsen Gul, leader "Green Box", discussed the ways for sustainable living and encouraged the boarders to adopt green lifestyle in order to maintain the health of our planet, the community and all living beings.