Posted on 2024-06-25

Senior Management Course participants visit GCU

A delegation of eleven senior bureaucrats participating in the Senior Management Course visited Government College University (GCU) Lahore. The delegation was welcomed by Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Shazia Bashir, along with other senior faculty members. The participants, led by Faculty Advisor Mr. Aamir Fayyaz, were briefed about the history and management of GCU. Dean Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Babar Aziz, Additional Registrar Dr. Shoukat Ali, and Political Science Department Chairperson Prof. Dr. Fouzia Ghani were also present. 
Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Shazia Bashir highlighted the institution's significant role in promoting academic excellence and contributing to societal development over the years. GCU's Director of Academic Planning and External Links, Dr. Fouzia Shaheen, delivered a presentation on GCU's infrastructure, academic life, research endeavors, and management practices. The delegation also visited the historic room of the Poet of the East, Allama Iqbal, at GCU Lahore.

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